Marine vet unit saw UFO being loaded with weapons


Former US marine breaks 14-year silence to reveal details of an amazing close encounter with a UFO while on active service in Indonesia in 2009, claiming that clandestine US troops were loading weapons on to it.


01:38, Sat, Jun 10, 2023 | UPDATED: 04:38, Sat, Jun 10, 2023 Daily Mail

An ex-marine has broken a 14-year silence to come out with claims about seeing a flying saucer while serving in Indonesia in 2009.

And not only did he, along with a few colleagues, see a hovering octagonal craft in the jungle, he also says it was being loaded with weapons by clandestine US forces.

The remarkable comments came from 33-year-old Michael Herrera, who served four years in the US Air Force, but has now turned whistleblower to reveal his extraordinary story.

He also says he and his six-man unit from the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Echo Co. 2nd Platoon, who were in the country on a humanitarian mission during the 2009 Sumatra earthquake, were threatened at gunpoint and told never to speak a word about the incident.

Herrera, who was encouraged by new UFO whistleblower protections to speak out and who testified under oath to the government’s UFO investigation team, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and a Senate committee, was rerouted to the Philippines to Indonesia after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Sumatra on September 30, 2009.

His unit’s job was to help guard helicopter aid drops around Padang City, which had been plagued by violence from local insurgents. On October 8, after they had been dropped off in a clearing just north of the city, they hiked up a 900ft ridge to wait for an incoming supply.

It was then that the men witnessed the craft. Herrera told “I could see something moving and rotating. It was changing colours between a very light matte grey to a very dark matte black. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

“The thing was massive, the size of a football field. The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colours.

“It had an audible hum to it. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black.

“It had ‘scales’ that were on the outside of the craft that covered the whole craft. It had seams and sharp edges which I suspect to be man-made and it had some panels on the vertical edges that were like Vantablack.” This is the blackest black known to science.

Herrera took some pictures and video of the craft on his Panasonic camera, but a few days later the memory card and battery were stolen, along with his colleagues’ phones.

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